Top Rated Realty agents work closely with banks and mortgage companies to make your home buying process as easy as possible. Buyers are amazed at the difference between working with lenders that are familiar with several different types of loans available, to working with lenders that handle only specific types of mortgages. When buyers, real estate agents and lenders work together, it makes the mortgage process much easier for the buyer.

Cornerstone Mortgage contacts:

Tanya Shushkova – Owner/Sr. Loan Officer
Office: 920-347-1640
Cell: 920-347-1625
Email: [email protected]

Steve Woulf – Partner/Loan Officer
Office: 920-347-1640
Cell: 920-619-8555
Email: [email protected]

Bank of Luxemburg contacts:

Jake Dittman – Loan Officer
Office: 920-845-1968
1311 Bellevue Street
Green Bay WI 54302
MLO# 461226